Contract Interfaces

A high level description of key contract functions


The Collateral contract stores collateral balances for { user, product } pairs. There is a single Collateral contract in the protocol.


Deposit pulls collateral (DSU) from the msg.sender and credits the product's collateral balance for the specified account.

function depositTo(address account, address product, uint256 amount) external
  • account - The address of the user account

  • product - The address of the Perennial product

  • amount - Amount of DSU to deposit


Withdraw decrements the balance of msg.sender product collateral balance and pushes the DSU to the specified receiver.

function withdrawTo(address receiver, address product, uint256 amount) external
  • account - The address of the user account

  • product - The address of the Perennial product

  • amount - Amount of DSU to deposit


Liquidate closes account 's position for the specified product. Liquidate will revert if the user is not eligible for liquidation.

function liquidate(address account, address product) external

To check if a user is liquidateable, call

function liquidatable(address account, address product) external
  • account - The address of the user account

  • product - The address of the Perennial product


The Product contract is a market in the Perennial protocol. A new product contract is deployed for each launched market via the Controller's createProduct method.

Open/Close Make

Maker positions provide liquidity for a given product. The maximum size of a maker position is determined by the account's collateral and the product's maintenance requirement.

function openMake(uint256 amount) external
function closeMake(uint256 amount) external
  • amount - Size of the maker position to open or close

Open/Close Take

Taker positions are traders in the system. The maximum size of a taker position is determined by the account's collateral, the product's maintenance requirement, and the product's liquidity (open maker positons)

function openTake(uint256 amount) external
function closeTake(uint256 amount) external
  • amount - Size of the taker position to open or close


The Lens contract provides convenience functions for reading Protocol, Product, and Accounts state. The functions on the Lens contracts are designed to be called via Ether's callStatic method (or similar, depending on your Web3 library of choice). You can find the lens address for each deployed chain in Deployed Contracts


Snapshot functions return batched data for the Protocol, and one or more Products or Accounts. For struct fields, refer to the Lens interface.

function snapshot() external returns (ProtocolSnapshot memory)
function snapshot(address product) external returns (ProductSnapshot memory)
function snapshot(address account, address product) external returns (UserProductSnapshot memory)
function snapshots(address[] calldata productAddresses) external returns (ProductSnapshot[] memory)
function snapshots(address account, address[] calldata productAddresses) external returns (UserProductSnapshot[] memory)
  • account - The address of the user account

  • product - The address of the Perennial product


The MultiInvoker allows for multiple interactions with the Perennial protocol in a single transaction.

The entrypoint to MultiInvoker is invoke. Each invocation can take one or multiple Actions, and will perform each action in order. For common chains, see our integration tests.

function invoke(Invocation[] calldata invocations) external;

Where each Invocation has an action and args field. The args are ABI encoded arguments, you can use the following typescript snippet to generate payloads for each action.

enum InvokerAction {

const buildInvokerAction = (
  action: InvokerAction,
  }: {
    userAddress?: string
    productAddress?: string
    position?: BigNumberish
    amount?: BigNumberish
    programs?: number[]
): IMultiInvoker.InvocationStruct => {
  switch (action) {
    case InvokerAction.DEPOSIT:
      return {
        action: 1,
        args: utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['address', 'address', 'uint'], [userAddress, productAddress, amount]),
    case InvokerAction.WITHDRAW:
      return {
        action: 2,
        args: utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['address', 'address', 'uint'], [userAddress, productAddress, amount]),
    case InvokerAction.OPEN_TAKE:
      return {
        action: 3,
        args: utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['address', 'uint'], [productAddress, position]),
    case InvokerAction.CLOSE_TAKE:
      return {
        action: 4,
        args: utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['address', 'uint'], [productAddress, position]),
    case InvokerAction.OPEN_MAKE:
      return {
        action: 5,
        args: utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['address', 'uint'], [productAddress, position]),
    case InvokerAction.CLOSE_MAKE:
      return {
        action: 6,
        args: utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['address', 'uint'], [productAddress, position]),
    case InvokerAction.CLAIM:
      return {
        action: 7,
        args: utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['address', 'uint[]'], [productAddress, programs]),
    case InvokerAction.WRAP:
      return {
        action: 8,
        args: utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['address', 'uint'], [userAddress, amount]),
    case InvokerAction.UNWRAP:
      return {
        action: 9,
        args: utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['address', 'uint'], [userAddress, amount]),
    case InvokerAction.WRAP_AND_DEPOSIT:
      return {
        action: 10,
        args: utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['address', 'address', 'uint'], [userAddress, productAddress, amount]),
    case InvokerAction.WITHDRAW_AND_UNWRAP:
      return {
        action: 11,
        args: utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(['address', 'address', 'uint'], [userAddress, productAddress, amount]),
      return { action: 0, args: '0x' }

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